Start Small. Build Large.
When 2020 arrived and I was still dropping cords, I began creating a product that would solve all my cord problems. After dozens of prototypes came CordBrick™ [Patent Pending] - a new kind of cord management device that solves a slew of cord (and phone) problems!
CordBrick™ hit the market in late 2021, and our customer testimonials, independent awards, and approval for patent (among other things) tell the story since then.
Taking on the challenges of a startup has been fun - and difficult - but I wouldn't trade it, because for me, CordBrick™ is about more than that.
You see, I wasn't prepared to start a business when I originally thought of the idea for CordBrick™ in 2015.
Not until 2017 did my personal growth process accelerate after I quit drinking. It didn't happen overnight; only with the support of family, friends, and - frankly - a group of total strangers who shared with me their common solution of using a design for living. It has worked.
To give back and help support causes like ones that helped me, CordBrick LLC gives back to 501(c)(3) organizations who are constructing or maintaining housing for substance recovery & treatment programs.
Sign up for my newsletter to follow our BUILD Something Blog - and don't forget to - GET A CORDBRICK™!
Thanks for your support!
- CordBrick Nick

Founder "CordBrick Nick"
Creator of CordBrick™
Thanks for your support of me and our mission at CordBrick. Get out there and BUILD Something!
Latest News & Announcements
Winner: $10,000 & "Coolest PRoduct" at NRF 2023
Read the StoryCordBrick won "Coolest Product" at NRF 2023! We were part of their Consumer Products Showase, highlighting innovative new products and were selected by attendees as the $10k winner!
PODCAST APPEARANCE: A Revolution of Interdependence
Listen on SpotifyNick joined host Will Samson in October of 2022 to talk about his entrepreneurial journey in an energizing episode about personal growth.
PODCAST APPEARANCE: Emerge. Evolve. Lead.
Listen on SpotifyMaureen Ross Gemme of Emerge Leadership Academy invited Nick on in September of 2022 to talk recovery and how he's brought those principles into entreprenurship.
COVER STORY: FL Business Observer
Florida Business Observer Cover ArticleCordBrick LLC makes a summer splash on the cover of Florida's largest C-Suite Newspaper - the Florida Business Observer.
MEMBER: Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce 2022
Naples Chamber WebsiteServing businesses in and around the city of Naples, Florida.
BENEFITTING: St. Matthew's House
St. Matthew's House WebsiteA portion of our proceeds go directly to this organization that changes lives in SW Florida. You can give directly to St. Matts by clicking the link below! We'd love if you'd write "CordBrick LLC" in the Referred By line.
What have you overcome? Created? Built? Submit your story of BUILDING Something below - whatever it might be - and how you are sharing your experience, creation, or project with others. If we select yours to highlight on our social media or blog, we'll send you some dope CordBrick SWAG. Will you help us inspire others?
Share your story of BUILDING!
CordBrick® Weighted Cord Holder, Cable Management Device, Phone Accessory, Giftable Gadget v2.0

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