Utility Patent Approved

6/8/2023 - CordBrick Nick

Ever seen ABC’s Shark Tank®?

A Shark will ask “do you have a patent?”

If the entrepreneur answers “yes”, without specifying more, the next question is usually, “which kind”?

That’s because there are two kinds of patents - a utility patent and a design patent.

A utility patent is superior - and therefore much more difficult to get - because it covers not only the design, but the way something works.

Recently, we learned our UTILITY PATENT has been approved (in its entirety) by the USPTO! Soon, we’ll finalize the process and will likely receive a patent number this fall. We’d already received a Design Patent, but this Utility Patent is our first one.

The critical part is; now, not only can’t someone copy our exact design, but they can’t even make something similar. And - we can create other products that aren’t exactly like CordBrick, but fit other needs in the cord management space.

Truly, we’ve carved out our own category for a group of products in the US market! This was one of our original goals, and we can officially check the box!

CordBrick LLC would like to thank Kelly Hyndman of Paetent Services LLC, based in Virginia. You can find him here on LinkedIn. Kelly is one of the best Patent attorneys in the nation, and did a tremendous amount of work to help me accomplish this. He’s a busy man, so please, serious inquiries only.

Thanks, Kelly! And thanks to everyone who has been supporting me and CordBrick!

Keep Building Something!

-CordBrick Nick

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